Our Patron

St. Thomas, The Apostle of India
St. Thomas, The Patron Saint of our school, was one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. The Bible portrays him as a man of bravery and strong attachment to his Master, Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ’s resurrection, when he appeared before his Apostles, St. Thomas was not present there. When his colleagues told him later that they saw the resurrected Jesus, He was reluctant to believe it. He proclaimed, unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hands into his side, I will not believe it (St. John 20:26) Jesus respected his disciple’s wish and made and appearance again before the group in which St. Thomas was also present. Jesus invited him to put his finger on His wounds and get convinced. In the ecstasy of the moment, St. Thomas addressed Jesus, “My Lord and My God” which is the basic creed of Christian faith. St. Thomas was martyred in 72 A.D. at Little Mount (near Chennai) and his body was brought to Mylapore and was buried there. His tomb is venerated until this day.
St. Thomas is the Patron Saint of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, one of the oldest churches in Christendom, and the most ancient in India, established in 52. A.D. Christianity came to India much before it went to Rome or Western Europe. The Syrian Christians of Kerala constitute the most ancient Christian.